Divorce Lawyer – Helping You Resolve Family Disputes

Phoenix Divorce Lawyer

If you are considering divorce in Phoenix, you may need to consult a Phoenix divorce lawyer for guidance. This is especially true if you and your spouse have children. Your choices during the divorce process can have long-term implications for your family. It is important to choose a law firm that treats you with respect and courtesy.

An experienced Phoenix divorce attorney can guide you through the legal maze. He can answer questions about how to best divide your property, how to determine child support, and how to get a fair share of the parental time. Additionally, he can give you the information you need to know about the Arizona Supreme Court’s Child Support Guidelines.

A Phoenix divorce lawyer can also help you resolve disputes with your spouse. Whether or not you will be able to keep your children from being subjected to physical abuse, you should be able to ensure they receive proper support.

Choosing an attorney to represent you in your divorce can be expensive. The cost will rise as the number of issues involved in your case increases. Therefore, it is important to select an attorney who is knowledgeable, attentive, and compassionate.

One of the most common disputes involved in a divorce is the division of property. Assets and debts will be divided based on court guidelines. You should have all of your assets identified and valued.

There are several ways to file a petition for dissolution of marriage. You can serve the petition on your spouse by certified mail, by private process server, or by sheriff. Once served, the other party has a set number of days to respond. In the case of a default, the other party must file a response within ten days.

A Phoenix divorce lawyer can also help explain the benefits of collaborative divorce, which involves the couple working together to settle the matter. This is less expensive than going to court. Although not all couples are in agreement about the merits of a collaborative divorce, it can be an effective way to resolve your differences.

Another option is a divorce mediation. During this procedure, a trained neutral mediator facilitates a resolution of your disputes without the hassles of a courtroom. During a divorce mediation, your attorney can work out the finer points of your divorce in a low-stress setting.

Whether you decide to go to court or use a mediation process, it’s best to consult an experienced Phoenix divorce lawyer for advice. Besides helping you determine your rights, your attorney can also work to ensure you receive the financial security you deserve.

The right Phoenix divorce lawyer will also explain the other responsibilities of being a spouse. For example, you need to maintain insurance coverage for yourself and your spouse. Also, you must not physically abuse your spouse or threaten to do so. While many divorces are amicable, it’s a good idea to consult an experienced attorney before making any important decisions.